Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The things that parents must do...

Thank goodness for Tom. I have such a weak stomach that I'm just not sure I could have done this.

Aislinn had been very worried about her lose tooth. This would be the 4th tooth to lose, but for some reason it caused the most anxiety. She had heard stories about other children losing their teeth while they slept, you see. Three nights in a row she was up late, couldn't sleep, constantly wiggling a tooth that wasn't quite ready to come out.


On night 2, she asked Tom to pull it. Be she was very anxious. Erni (our cat) would not leave her side. He's 15 years old and is one of those great pets that NEVER gets up on the table or counters. But that night when Tom put Aislinn up on the "operating table" Erni got right up with her and snuggled in.


And then he began the tooth wiggling. But without luck. It just wasn't loose enough.


Night 3 - It had to come out. Three nights in a row being up LATE, it had to come out.


It was ready by night 3 and it popped out so easy that she didn't even know Tom had pulled it. Hardly even a drop of blood and you could see the new tooth already poking through. I wish I could post a picture of the new gap, but I need some better light. If I posted the picture I took at 11:45 PM that night, Aislinn would surely grow up with a grudge against my camera.

Here's Jack - he was watching ever so close.

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